kimi malka hanauer is an artist, publisher, and writer based on lenape land (brooklyn, ny). 

penthouse gallery

experimental art and music warehouse venue | resident and co-organizer from 2012 – 2016, Baltimore, MD

Penthouse was a public venue and private residential space located at the Copycat Building, a warehouse occupied by artists and musicians since the 90’s in Baltimore, Maryland. I lived, worked, and co-organized programming at Penthouse from 2011-2016. As a resident, I organized various gatherings in the space that were informed by Penthouse’s unique position as a place that is both a private residence and a public venue. The events also often aimed to question and demystify the role of arts & cultural spaces.

We held gatherings like Pooch at the Penthouse, an art show for dogs that featured a dog agility coarse built by Shelby Norton, or Visa for Lian, a project where we used Penthouse as a platform to acquire a visa for one of our residents. We also hosted performances, parties, and music events, working with artists and groups like FLUCT, Abdu Ali, GRL PWR, High Zero Festival, EarthXSeed, and others.

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