kimi malka hanauer is an artist, publisher, and writer based on lenape land (brooklyn, ny). 

how is speech a desire a hope a promise

distributed text and collective reading | Southern Exposure, San Fransisco, CA, 2021  

how is speech a desire a hope a promise is a text first distributed as a seres of flyers on Tongva-Gabrielino Land (Los Angeles, CA) in 2020 - 2021. The text interrogates the failure of political speech to “do what it says it does.” Through its failed attempts, speech gathers us to find a way. In the accompanying video performance, I find portals into other worlds in the mundane spaces of my life. 

This text and video series was originally presented in 2021 at Southern Exposure as part of We Use Our Hands to Support, a group exhibition curated by Lukaza Branfman-Verrissimo. The original text was annotated and reprinted as a newsprint broadsheet in 2024 as part of Speech Lives in a Series of Daily Events, a group exhibition curated by Abigail Satinsky, named after a line in this work.


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