kimi malka hanauer is an artist, publisher, and writer based on lenape land (brooklyn, ny). 

center for liberatory practice & poetry headquarters  

installation and library | Southern Exposure, San Fransisco, CA, 2021  

This temporary headquarters was installed at Southern Exposure as part of the show, We Use Our Hands To Support, visioned and gathered by Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo alongside works by Fronteristxs Collective, Amanda Curreri, and Sam Vernon.

Through commitments to mutual aid, political education, creative practice, and collective process, the Center gathers a community of learners around liberatory practices: ways of being, sensing, thinking, and making that enact liberatory politics in everyday life. A central stake I personally bring to this project is: While liberatory practices and politics have risen out of and in resistance to structures of domination, they are not necessarily bound up with their existence. How can we define liberation, as a state of being emancipated, on our own terms?

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