kimi malka hanauer is an artist, publisher, and writer based on lenape land (brooklyn, ny). 


monthly simultaneous events | founder and co-organizer from 2013 – 2016, Baltimore, MD

Alloverstreet was a monthly night of simultaneous art openings and events spanning the many art spaces in the Greenmount West neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland. Alloverstreet evolved organically out of my practice connecting community members with unused or inactive spaces at the Copycat Building, a warehouse that houses many artist-run venues and living spaces, to host shows, exhibitions, and gatherings on a monthly basis. Alloverstreet was born out of an intention to create open and accessible art events that catered to our neighborhood.

As the project grew in participants, venues, and attending audiences, the cooperation between organizing venues grew immensely, as we shared materials, resources, and advice through monthly meetings. Visit the Alloverstreet Archives to explore past Alloverstreet events. Alloverstreet was initiated and organized by Process Collective, Kimi Hanauer, and Lee Heinemann for its first two years, after being adopted as a program by Station North Arts & Entertainment, Inc. In 2017, many DIY event spaces in Baltimore City were forced to shut down, and some residents evicted, by local government. Alloverstreet, as well as many other cultural spaces across the city, stopped operations at this time.

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